Sunday, March 15, 2009

Drivers Ready

I think Globalization is a vehicle for control or Empowerment. You can’t blame a car for causing an accident when 9 times out of 10 it’s the driver. What I mean is this; if the people in a driving position, in various organizations that make-up “globalization” hold ideology that parallels “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” that is going to be the outcome.

You have to look at organizations like the World Trade Organization, The International Monetary Fund, The Federal Reserve, The United Nation and countless others that have an impact on the world. There are countless cases of purposely putting countries in debt to one another.

A great book that explains this practice is, Confessions of an Economic Hitman written by John Perkins. In this book he tells his life story about his role as an economic hitman employed by U.S banking firms. He would travel to developing countries with his team and would meet with presidents and high-ranking officials to discuss development of the country. He would make the arrangements between the country and the I.M.F to fund a project like an electric dam and grid or water plant. The catch is American companies did the construction of the proposed project.

Thus you have a cycling of the money from an American owned I.M.F paying American companies to develop foreign countries, with that foreign country footing the bill.

The Country that gave the loan would then eventually be able to control the leader of the receiving country, at anytime the giving country can demand that loan to be repaid and bankrupt or severely damage the economy of the receiving country, thus they can use that leader as a puppet.

Now does this sound like a proper foreign policy NO it doesn’t, not to me, and it explains the state of America’s global reputation as a pseudo Police State looking to establish an American Empire. But it’s an evolution of warfare and a sense of acquiring resources and materials to keep their own culture/society alive.

I can speak of the United States because its documented in Perkins book, but I can assume more than one country tries to practice this method of control/ attempt to control. They first send in the “economic hitmen” to try to persuade the leader to become take loans of money to develop their country, if that fails then they send in the “Jackals” Really hitmen, assassins if you will, to take out the leader in which case they will try to have a puppet patsy to take the place of the assassinated leader. If they can’t assassinate the leader and set up a puppet then they will resort to full-on military action.

So you see, when a country has a Foreign policy based on a growing empire you do not have a policy of the poor get rich and the rich might get poorer. your policy doesn’t even consider that because your only concern is “how do I control this countries population” so with that in mind you would want to keep the people poor instead of giving them economic freedom to control their own destinies.

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